| Bootstrap TTEST;                                                   |
| Arguments:                                                         |
|    indata: required; the input dataset, you want to resample with; |
|    var: required; the variable you want to bootstrap;              |
|    group: not required; the group variable if any;                 |
|    label: not required; the value of the group variable if any;    |
|    nrun: the num of iterations you want to resample;               |
|    seed: required, but default is 1863822967; the input seed;      |
|    outdata: the output dataset;                                    |
|    outseed: a macro  variable name to keep the last seed just in   |
|             case you want to run several resampling at once;       |
| Example:                                                           |
|   %rspmeans(indata=ridamy.ittbur1, out=ittbur, group=rassignt,     |
|             var=ittbur);                                           |
|   %resample(indata=ittbur ,var=ittbur, group=rassignt, label="ON", |
|             nrun=5000, seed=1863822967, outdata=brdnon,            |
|             outseed=myseed);                                       |
|   %resample(indata=ittbur ,var=ittbur, group=rassignt, label="OFF",|
|             nrun=5000, seed=&myseed, outdata=brdnoff,              |
|             outseed=myseed);                                       |
|   %printout(indata=ittbur, var=ittbur, group=rassignt,             |
|             boot1=brdnon, boot2=brdnoff, nrun=5000);               |
| Usage: %resample(indata= ,var=, group=, label=, nrun=,             |
|         seed=1863822967, outdata=, outseed=);                      |
%macro resample(indata= ,var=, group=, label=, nrun=, seed=1863822967, outdata=, outseed=);
%local _dsid_ _ngp_ _seed_; %let _seed_=;
%let _rsstarttime_=%sysfunc(datetime());
%if (%quote(%upcase(seed)) eq %quote(%upcase(&outseed))) %then %do;
   %put ==> Alert! The output seed cannot be "seed" or "SEED".;
   %goto finish;
%global &outseed;
%if %sysfunc(exist(_group_)) %then %do;
proc sql noprint;
   drop table _group_;
%if %sysfunc(exist(&outdata)) %then %do;
proc sql noprint;
   drop table &outdata;
%if (%quote(&indata) ne) and (%quote(&var) ne) %then %do;
   proc sql noprint;
      create table _group_ as
      select &var
             %if (%quote(&group) ne) and (%quote(&label) ne) %then %do;
             , &group
      from &indata
      %if (%quote(&group) ne) and (%quote(&label) ne) %then %do;
      WHERE &group=&label
%else %do;
   %put ==> Alert! No dataset or no variables is provided for bootstrap!;
%if (%chk_type(&nrun) = 1) %then %do;
   %if (&nrun lt 1) %then %do;
      %put ==> Alert! The number of times you want to resample cannot be less than 1.;
   %if (%chk_type(&seed) = 1) and (%quote(&_seed_) eq) %then %let _seed_=&seed;
   %else %if (%chk_type(&seed) ne 1) and (%quote(&_seed_) eq) %then %let _seed_=679897321;
   %do _ij_=1 %to &nrun;
      %put NOTE: Wait! Macro RESAMPLE is running...;
      options nonotes;
      data _resample_;
         do j=1 to n;
            CALL RANUNI(_seed_,r);
            set _group_ point=i nobs=n ;
         CALL SYMPUT("_seed_",_seed_);
         call symput("_rsnobs_", n);
         keep &var resampleid %if (%quote(&group) ne) and (%quote(&label) ne) %then %do; &group %end;;
      %if (&_ij_=&nrun) and (%quote(&outseed) ne) %then %do;
         %let &outseed=&_seed_;
      proc means data=_resample_ noprint;
         by resampleid %if (%quote(&group) ne) and (%quote(&label) ne) %then %do; &group %end;;
         var &var;
         output out=_resamplemean_(drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_) N=N mean=mean std=std min=min max=max median=median p25=p25 p75=p75 ;
      %if (%quote(&outdata) ne) and %sysfunc(exist(&outdata)) %then %do;
         proc append base=&outdata data=_resamplemean_;
      %else %if (%quote(&outdata) ne) %then %do;
         data &outdata; set _resamplemean_;
      %end; run;
      %if %sysfunc(exist(_resample_)) %then %do;
      proc sql noprint; drop table _resample_; drop table _resamplemean_;
   %if %sysfunc(exist(_group_)) %then %do;
   proc sql noprint; drop table _group_;
   options notes;
%else %put ==> Alert! You must choose the number of times you want to do resampling;
%let _rsduration_=%sysevalf(%sysfunc(datetime())-&_rsstarttime_);
%let _rsday_ = %trim(%left(%eval(%sysfunc(day(%sysfunc(datepart(&_rsduration_)))) - 1)));
%let _rshour_ = %trim(%left(%eval(%sysfunc(hour(&_rsduration_))-0)));
%let _rsminute_ = %trim(%left(%eval(%sysfunc(minute(&_rsduration_))-0)));
%let _rssecond_ = %trim(%left(%sysevalf(%sysfunc(round(%sysfunc(second (&_rsduration_)), .01))-0)));
%let _rsdurnote_=;
%if (&_rsday_ gt 0) %then %let _rsdurnote_= %trim(%left(&_rsdurnote_)) %trim(%left(&_rsday_)) days;
%if (&_rshour_ gt 0) %then %let _rsdurnote_= %trim(%left(&_rsdurnote_)) %trim(%left(&_rshour_)) hours;
%if (&_rsminute_ gt 0) %then %let _rsdurnote_= %trim(%left(&_rsdurnote_)) %trim(%left(&_rsminute_)) minutes;
%if (&_rssecond_ gt 0) %then %let _rsdurnote_= %trim(%left(&_rsdurnote_)) %trim(%left(&_rssecond_)) seconds;
%put NOTE: The procedure %nrbquote(%)%upcase(resample) has resampled &nrun samples, each with %trim(%left(&_rsnobs_)) observations, in &_rsdurnote_.. ;
%mend resample;